Interior design of family house

Interior design of family house, Horni Mecholupy, Prague

Hakl Milan, Mgr. A.

Zemen Lubos, Mgr. A.

Bartak Marek,
Ing. Arch. MgA

Benisek Jiri,
Ing. arch.

Mikulenka Pavel,
Ing. arch.

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4DS STUDIO architektonicky atelier

4DS spol. s r. o.
architectural studio:
Nad Zaverkou 4
169 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

+420 233 355 454
+420 233 352 297

4DS spol. s r. o.
architectural studio:
Ceske Budejovice
Lidicka 108a
370 01 Ceske Budejovice
Czech Republic

+420 386 321 191
+420 386 322 009

cooperating persons:

Vojtìch Navrátil, Ing.

 Reconstruction and extension of historical houses Family house in Vcelna                                       

 Reconstruction and extension of historical houses | Family house in Vcelna                                       

  Reconstruction and extension of historical castle Apartment House in Revnicich      

  Reconstruction and extension of historical castle | Apartment House in Revnicich      

Family house Multi-purpose sports hall in Pisek     

Family house | Multi-purpose sports hall in Pisek     

                                                Townhouse in Dobris Interior design of family house

                                                Townhouse in Dobris | Interior design of family house

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